The internal auditor provides assurance to the management that the decisions and actions taken are correct, in accordance with the law, and that resources are used economically, efficiently and effectively.

Our work is based on the Auditing Act and international professional standards. Our clients include companies operating in the financial sector, local governments, foundations, state-owned companies, etc.

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We offer following internal audit services

Internal auditor service - performing the functions of an internal auditor in the private, public and third sectors

We provide the services of an internal auditor to organizations that are either required or wish to ensure the professional activities of internal audit in their organization:

• we coordinate the organization's risk assessment and management
• we prepare an internal audit strategy and annual plan
• we carry out audits and advisory work according to the plan, we make proposals for the improvement and efficiency of operations
• we present the results of audits to the organization's management
• we monitor the implementation of recommendations

Conducting internal audits - to assess the effectiveness and compliance of the internal control system

Internal audit offers the highest level of assurance. As a result of the internal audit, we assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the process, internal control system, etc., and make recommendations for improvements to ensure the effectiveness of the organization's operations and compliance with legislation.

In special areas (eg cyber security, data protection), we use experts in the field to ensure the high quality of audits.

Advisory projects for improving and evaluating the internal control system

Advisory projects are inherently advisory, and their content and nature are defined in agreement with the client. Examples of advisory projects include:

  • advising on building and improving the internal audit function
  • we advise on the preparation of the internal audit strategy and annual plan, planning, conducting, documenting, and writing reports
  • we advise the organization's management on establishing a functioning internal control system that includes the organization's control environment, risk management, control activities, information and communication systems, and monitoring
  • we consult on improving the efficiency of internal procedures
  • we coordinate the self-assessment of the organization's activities
Evaluation of governance processes

The purpose of governance evaluation is to conclude whether governance processes have adequately supported the achievement of the organization's goals and whether there has been an increase in stakeholder confidence in the organization.

Governance processes include providing strategic direction, implementing a risk management process, leading and supporting an ethical culture, establishing a structure, appropriate division of labor and rules, managing resources, establishing communication principles, and analyzing the organization's operations and results.

December 2023

Primero Finance: our choice of internal auditor ticks all the boxes

Internal auditor services

“Our partnership with Grant Thornton Baltic’s internal auditors started in 2016 and it’s clear we hit the nail on the head with our selection,” says CEO of Primero Finance OÜ, Marti Küttis.

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January 2023

An outside set of eyes gives additional assurance

Internal audits in ESTO AS

ESTO Group, a credit provider founded in 2017 that expended to Latvia and Lithuania in 2021, went the outsourcing route and partnered with Grant Thornton Baltic for internal audit services.

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January 2023

For the e-Governance Academy, an internal auditor is seen as a good colleague

Internal audits at E-Governance Academy

Each year, the eGA’s large-scale projects that are supported by various financing sources around the world mean it has to comply with legal acts on the organization’s activity as well as follow internal procedures both in project management and financial accounting.

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January 2023

Internal auditors help keep companies trustworthy

Internal audits at Hüpoteeklaen AS

With more than 30 employees, Hüpoteeklaen AS is a credit provider operating in Estonia since 2009, issuing real estate secure loans to individuals and companies.

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February 2023

For Estateguru, having an internal auditor is a sign of quality

Internal audits at Estateguru

Founded in 2013, Estateguru OÜ combined these two qualities when it launched a platform for quick and flexible capital secured by real estate for small businesses and real estate-secured investing opportunities for investors.

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May 2023

Erasmus+: we highly value the cooperation of the internal auditors

Internal audits for Estonian National Agency for the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps

For two consecutive years, Grant Thornton Baltic’s business risk and internal audit team served as the independent auditor of the programmes of the Estonian National Agency for the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.

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„Initially, we created the internal audit function only to mitigate regulatory risks and comply with legal requirements, but now we have also taken into account the business risks identified in cooperation with Grant Thornton Baltic to ensure better performance of the company.“


Rasmus Õisma, Member of the Management Board of Montonio Finance OÜ

Get in touch
Head of Business Risk Services, Senior Internal Auditor
Kai Paalberg
Kai Paalberg Grant Thornton Baltic
Head of Business Risk Services, Senior Internal Auditor
Kai Paalberg