Tax is always a sensitive topic. But it cannot be ignored that taxation policies and various tax incentives, as well as how taxpayers decide to comply with their tax obligations, directly impacts how fair, transparent, and environmentally conscious the society is. Aggressive tax planning or association with non-compliant partners and suppliers can lead to significant reputational risk.

2022-Money pot-ESG-Grant Thornton Baltic-circle.pngThe ‘sustainable tax’ concept is wide and still very open for interpretation. Grant Thornton Baltic international tax specialists define the concept and offer sustainable tax services through following areas:

  • Compliance and reporting – developing a robust tax governance with clear controls and processes to support management’s tax decision-making and to manage tax obligations and related risks
  • Cooperation – building tax transparency for stakeholders of the business, information exchange and co-operation with Tax Authorities (e.g. obtaining binding or non-binding rulings with Tax Authorities, Transfer Pricing reporting, Cooperation Programs)
  • Green tax incentives – advising on tax opportunities around environmentally friendly investments and action

We have established a responsive Nordic-Baltic tax expert group to help you with any local or international tax questions you may have.

Contact our Baltic and Nordic Tax specialist here.

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