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We once again gave a scholarship to an outstanding student

At the autumn scholarship competition of Tallinn University of Technology, Johanna Ruljand, a bachelor's student majoring in business, was awarded a 2,000-euro scholarship from Grant Thornton Baltic. Grant Thornton Baltic partner Mati Nõmmiste presented the scholarship at a ceremony held at the Technical University on December 6.

Johanna Ruljand stood out among the students who applied for the scholarship with her open communication, positive attitude and analytical way of thinking. She is an active young person who achieves maximum results at university, works and finds time to pursue her hobbies in addition to her studies. "Johanna is a maximalist with an entrepreneurial mindset, and that's why we believe she will succeed in everything she does. Dedication and doing your best is also in Grant Thornton Baltic's DNA, so we are happy to support Johanna's studies," said Kätlin Treima, a recruiter at Grant Thornton Baltic.

Grant Thornton Baltic recruiter Kätlin Treima (left), scholarship holder Johanna Ruljand and managing partner Mati Nõmmiste.
Grant Thornton Baltic recruiter Kätlin Treima (left), scholarship holder Johanna Ruljand and managing partner Mati Nõmmiste.

Mati Nõmmiste, managing partner and sworn auditor of Grant Thornton Baltic, confirmed that supporting good students has become a tradition for the company. "At the scholarship competition organized by the Development Fund of the Tallinn University of Technology, we offered a scholarship for the third time, and in the spring of 2024, we will also award a scholarship for the first time at the University of Tartu. Simply complaining that there are not enough young auditors and other economic and financial specialists entering the labor market is of no use. Actions are needed! Issuing scholarships is one way to support economics students and introduce our work. Maybe some young person can take the first steps in their career with us," Mati Nõmmiste said.

The Grant Thornton Baltic scholarship announced at Tallinn University of Technology this fall invited undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics majoring in business with good academic performance and who have accumulated at least 60 credits during their studies. The scholarship application was organized by the Tallinn University of Technology Development Fund.