Kai Paalberg Grant Thornton Baltic
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Kai Paalberg was awarded a prestigious certification

We’re pleased to announce that in May, our Head of Business Risk Services Kai Paalberg received ISO 9001:2015 lead auditor certification.

Paalberg passed the ISO 9001:2015 training in April organized by Bureau Veritas Eesti OÜ. The course was delivered by Alar Sistok.  “The training gave me knowledge and skills for conducting and leading quality management system audits (planning and conducting audits and organizing reporting) on the basis of the ISO 9001 standard. I succeeded to pass the examination on the first attempt,” said Paalberg, who already holds certified government audit professional (CGAP) certification as an internal auditor and public sector internal auditor qualification level (ASSA).

Grant Thornton Baltic is able to offer quality management system internal audits to clients who have a quality management system that meets the ISO 9001 standard. “Our clients can be certain that the audit team is led by an auditor familiar with that field,” said lead partner of Grant Thornton Baltic, Mati Nõmmiste.

Grant Thornton Baltic employs five internal auditors who provide service to public sector organizations, non-profit sector and private companies.

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